Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The HAI assay serves as an significant resource in the characterization of influenza immune responses. The serum HAI antibody titer is typically utilized as a surrogate marker of protection and is an critical immunogenicity measure in people [fourteen,15,sixteen]. More and more, plasma has been utilized as a easy sample in HAI assays, but the diploma of correlation and arrangement to normal serum HAI titers has not been thoroughly explained. Here, we noticed a high degree of agreement in HAI titers when serum and temporally matched plasma samples had been employed in HAI assays. Normally, intra-laboratory variability in HAI titer values within one dilution aspect from replicate or repeated tests of a offered sample is regarded acceptable and the values are similar. Consequently, in this study, settlement was described as serum 1232416-25-9and matching plasma titer values within just just one dilution of just about every other. Employing this criterion, arrangement amongst serum and matched plasma samples ranged from 80.5% to 98.eight% (Figures one and two). The diploma of agreement appeared to be connected to the kind of anticoagulant present in the matched plasma samples with increased correlation (.ninety seven%) observed in serum and matched citrated plasma samples than the serum and matched heparinized plasma (808%) for all viruses analyzed. Dependent on this observation, we evaluating the geometric coefficient of variance (GCV) in the titer values for every of the two serum anticoagulated plasma sample sets, as properly as the correlation and settlement amongst serum and plasma samples. The GCV observed in serum and plasma samples was commonly reduce in the serum-citrated plasma samples than the heparinized plasma samples (information not revealed). This suggests the HAI values were being a lot more assorted in the heparinized plasma samples than in the citrated plasma samples. The correlation of plasma HAI values to serum HAI values was assessed by calculating the Pearson Product-Minute Correlation Coefficient for the serum-plasma sample sets (Desk three). Serum and plasma HAI values were highly correlated (..eighty) for all viruses analyzed. The degree of correlation in between serum and plasma samples was greater with serumcitrated plasma HAI titer values for sH3N2-2009 and Inf B. A larger proportion of serum-citrated plasma samples analyzed had HAI titer values inside of one dilution aspect indicating a larger diploma of agreement than that observed in the serum-heparinized plasma samples.
We evaluated the impression of anticoagulant kind on the variability of plasma titers in comparison to matched normal serum titers. The HAI titer variability in the one hundred sixty five paired serum and matched citrated plasma data set was compared to that of the 149 paired serum and matched heparinized plasma. This comparison was conducted by think the citrated plasma could be utilised in position of serum samples to evaluate HAI titer values. In spite of the significant diploma of agreement between matched samples, there had been statistically significant distinctions noticed at the team degree. Generally, the plasma GMT values were reduced than their matched serum GMT values (Tables 1 and 2), but had been nonetheless within just acceptable selection irrespective of virus or anticoagulant utilised in the assay (Tables 1 and 2). There ended up a couple of circumstances were specific plasma titers were being larger than matching serum titers, however, the likelihood of getting larger serum titer values compared to matching 8177321plasma titers was better in the sample set employed in this examine. As a consequence, a better variety of samples were recognized as seropositive or large-titered by serum HAI screening than by plasma HAI tests for each of the four influenza A viruses utilised (Tables one and 2). Similar seropositive quantities were being witnessed with influenza B. On the other hand, sample kind did not impact seroconversion prices as HAI testing of paired sera and matching plasma recognized similar numbers of seroconverts (Table two). The observation that plasma titers were lower than matching serum titers has implications to the use of plasma for HAI examination in seroprevalence and seroconversion research. A main concern is the prospective for underestimating influenza seroprevalence rates when plasma samples are utilised in HAI antibody tests.