Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Scopy was performed through dilated pupils by an experienced ophthalmologist, following the EURODIAB diabetic retinopathy scale [11]. Macroangiopathy was defined as any well documented case of ischemic heart disease (IHD), stroke and thrombotic peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurred and diagnosed 90610 days prior to the enrolment visit. The diagnosis of IHD included coronary insufficiency and nonfatal myocardial infarction, while typical effort angina was excluded. All myocardial infarction case patients met the ZK 36374 criteria of diagnostic ECG changes alone or two of the following criteria: typical chest pain 1531364 of 20 minutes duration, abnormal troponin T levels at least twice the upper limit of normal, or characteristic ECG changes. Coronary insufficiency was considered if typical retrosternal chest pain of at least 15 minutes duration was associated with transient ischemic ECG changes but without significant elevation of troponin T or creatine-kinase levels. Diagnoses of myocardial infarction and coronary insufficiency were confirmed by hospital charts. The diagnosis of effort angina was based on symptoms of retrosternal squeezing or pressure-type discomfort occurring on exertion and relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. Exclusion criteria were left ventricular ejection fraction ,30 , lung or liver failure, and known cause of anemia and thrombocytopenia (recent overt bleeding, congenital or acquired haematological disease, gastrointestinal disorder, and malignancy). Stroke diagnosis was confirmed by hospital charts and validated by tomographic examinations. Mild-to-moderate peripheral arterial disease (PAD) was diagnosed if the ankle brachial index (ABI) ranged from 0.41 to 0.90 or a history of limb revascularization was present. The mean ABI index in these patients was equal to 0.8160.06. A complete list of drugs taken by each patient was carefully registered. Healthy subjects(n = 41) among blood donors from the institutional blood bankTable 1. Clinical and biochemical characteristics of T1-, T2-DM patients and respective controls.Parameter n Age (yrs) Sex (M/F) DM duration (yr) BMI HbA1c ( )* Cholesterol total (mg/dl) Cholesterol (HDL) (mg/dl) Cholesterol (LDL) (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl) Blood group “00 “ “non-0”T1 DM 41 416141 16/19 21610 27.262.1 7.6?.1 184629 60611 108627 856148 37 63Controls (T1DM) 41 42613 15/20 null 2762 5.1?0.4 179630 52610 106629 83629 37 63P*T2 DMControls (T2DM) 42 59.9611.9 29/13 null 25?.7 5.1?.4 167635 58?1 103637 86?0 38 62P*P**0.66 0.92 n.a. 0.23 ,0.001 0.49 0.16 0.55 0.87 n.a. n.a.63.869.9 19/23 18612 28? 7.7?.2 170637 46?0 101638 133?0 38 620.106 0.71 n.a. ,0.001 ,0.001 0.704 0.065 0.6 ,0.,0.001 0.456 0.303 0.67 0.134 0.234 0.026 0.12 ,0.n.a.0.Legend: 1The values of mean6SD are listed; *Fruquintinib biological activity Comparison with respective controls; **Comparison between type 1 and type 2 patients. The parameters with significantly different (p,0.05) values are 1317923 listed in bold. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055396.tOxidized von Willebrand Factor and DiabetesTable 2. Biochemical characteristics and therapy of T1- and T2-DM patients and respective controls.Parameter n Hypertension Creatinine (mg/dl) Microalbuminuria (mg/L) *** GFR calculated (ml/m2 min) Macroangiopathies (AMI. Stroke, PAD) Therapy: Oral hypoglycemic Insulin ACE inhibitors Statins AspirinT1 DM 41 9/41 (22.9 ) 1.04?.17 12616 88?6 3/41 7Controls T1DM 41 null 0.93?.1 662 90?P*T2 DMControls T2DM 42 Null 0.9?.3 15?0 85?P*P**n.a. 0.002 n.a. 0.29/42 (59.5 ) 2.4?.3 145?40 5.Scopy was performed through dilated pupils by an experienced ophthalmologist, following the EURODIAB diabetic retinopathy scale [11]. Macroangiopathy was defined as any well documented case of ischemic heart disease (IHD), stroke and thrombotic peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurred and diagnosed 90610 days prior to the enrolment visit. The diagnosis of IHD included coronary insufficiency and nonfatal myocardial infarction, while typical effort angina was excluded. All myocardial infarction case patients met the criteria of diagnostic ECG changes alone or two of the following criteria: typical chest pain 1531364 of 20 minutes duration, abnormal troponin T levels at least twice the upper limit of normal, or characteristic ECG changes. Coronary insufficiency was considered if typical retrosternal chest pain of at least 15 minutes duration was associated with transient ischemic ECG changes but without significant elevation of troponin T or creatine-kinase levels. Diagnoses of myocardial infarction and coronary insufficiency were confirmed by hospital charts. The diagnosis of effort angina was based on symptoms of retrosternal squeezing or pressure-type discomfort occurring on exertion and relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. Exclusion criteria were left ventricular ejection fraction ,30 , lung or liver failure, and known cause of anemia and thrombocytopenia (recent overt bleeding, congenital or acquired haematological disease, gastrointestinal disorder, and malignancy). Stroke diagnosis was confirmed by hospital charts and validated by tomographic examinations. Mild-to-moderate peripheral arterial disease (PAD) was diagnosed if the ankle brachial index (ABI) ranged from 0.41 to 0.90 or a history of limb revascularization was present. The mean ABI index in these patients was equal to 0.8160.06. A complete list of drugs taken by each patient was carefully registered. Healthy subjects(n = 41) among blood donors from the institutional blood bankTable 1. Clinical and biochemical characteristics of T1-, T2-DM patients and respective controls.Parameter n Age (yrs) Sex (M/F) DM duration (yr) BMI HbA1c ( )* Cholesterol total (mg/dl) Cholesterol (HDL) (mg/dl) Cholesterol (LDL) (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl) Blood group “00 “ “non-0”T1 DM 41 416141 16/19 21610 27.262.1 7.6?.1 184629 60611 108627 856148 37 63Controls (T1DM) 41 42613 15/20 null 2762 5.1?0.4 179630 52610 106629 83629 37 63P*T2 DMControls (T2DM) 42 59.9611.9 29/13 null 25?.7 5.1?.4 167635 58?1 103637 86?0 38 62P*P**0.66 0.92 n.a. 0.23 ,0.001 0.49 0.16 0.55 0.87 n.a. n.a.63.869.9 19/23 18612 28? 7.7?.2 170637 46?0 101638 133?0 38 620.106 0.71 n.a. ,0.001 ,0.001 0.704 0.065 0.6 ,0.,0.001 0.456 0.303 0.67 0.134 0.234 0.026 0.12 ,0.n.a.0.Legend: 1The values of mean6SD are listed; *Comparison with respective controls; **Comparison between type 1 and type 2 patients. The parameters with significantly different (p,0.05) values are 1317923 listed in bold. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055396.tOxidized von Willebrand Factor and DiabetesTable 2. Biochemical characteristics and therapy of T1- and T2-DM patients and respective controls.Parameter n Hypertension Creatinine (mg/dl) Microalbuminuria (mg/L) *** GFR calculated (ml/m2 min) Macroangiopathies (AMI. Stroke, PAD) Therapy: Oral hypoglycemic Insulin ACE inhibitors Statins AspirinT1 DM 41 9/41 (22.9 ) 1.04?.17 12616 88?6 3/41 7Controls T1DM 41 null 0.93?.1 662 90?P*T2 DMControls T2DM 42 Null 0.9?.3 15?0 85?P*P**n.a. 0.002 n.a. 0.29/42 (59.5 ) 2.4?.3 145?40 5.