Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

O 18, 19 to 22, 23 to 29, and 30 to 65. Ordered from top to bottom: 13 to 18 19 to 22 23 to 29, and 30 to 65. Words and phrases are in the center; topics, represented as the 15 most prevalent words, surround. (N 74,859; correlations adjusted for gender; Bonferroni-corrected pv0:001). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073791.gPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgPersonality, MG-132 site gender, Age in Social Media LanguageFigure 5. Standardized frequency of topics and words across age. A. Standardized frequency for the best topic for each of the 4 age groups. Grey vertical lines divide groups: 13 to 18 (black: n 25,467 out of N 74,859), 19 to 22 (green: n 21,687), 23 to 29 (blue: n 14,656), and 30+ (red: n 13,049). Lines are fit from first-order LOESS regression [81] controlled for gender. B. Standardized frequency of social topic use across age. C. Standardized `I’, `we’ frequencies across age. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073791.g(emotional stability). Additionally, Figure 6 shows the advantage of having phrases in the analysis to get clearer signal: e.g. people high in neuroticism mentioned `sick of’, and not just `sick’. While many of our results confirm previous research, demonstrating the instrument’s face validity, our word clouds also PD325901 site suggest new hypotheses. For example, Figure 6 (bottomright) shows language related to emotional stability (low neuroticism). Emotionally stable individuals wrote about enjoyable social activities that may foster greater emotional stability, such as `sports’, `vacation’, `beach’, `church’, `team’, and a family time topic. Additionally, results suggest that introverts are interested in Japanese media (e.g. `anime’, `manga’, `japanese’, Japanese style emoticons:^_^, and an anime topic) and that those low in openness drive the use of shorthands in social media (e.g. `2day’, `ur’, `every 1′). Although these are only language correlations, they show how open-vocabulary analyses can illuminate areas to explore further.Predictive EvaluationHere we present a quantitative evaluation of open-vocabulary and closed vocabulary language features. Although we have thus far presented subjective evidence that open-vocabulary features contribute more information, we hypothesize empirically that the inclusion of open-vocabulary features leads to prediction accuracies above and beyond that of closed-vocabulary. We randomly sampled 25 of our participants as test data, and used the remaining 75 as training data to build our predictive models. We use a linear support vector machine (SVM) [92] for classifying the binary variable of gender, and ridge regression [93] for predicting age and each factor of personality. Features were first run through principal component analysis to reduce the feature dimension to half of the number of users. Both SVM classification and ridge regression utilize a regularization parameter, which we set by validation over the training set (we defined aPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgsmall validation set of 10 of the training set which we tested various regularization parameters over while fitting the model to the other 90 of the training set in order to select the best parameter). Thus, the predictive model is created without any outcome information outside of the training data, making the test data an out-of-sample evaluation. As open-vocabulary features, we use the same units of language as DLA: words and phrases (n-grams of size 1 to 3, passing a collocation filter) and topics. These features are outlined precisely under the “Li.O 18, 19 to 22, 23 to 29, and 30 to 65. Ordered from top to bottom: 13 to 18 19 to 22 23 to 29, and 30 to 65. Words and phrases are in the center; topics, represented as the 15 most prevalent words, surround. (N 74,859; correlations adjusted for gender; Bonferroni-corrected pv0:001). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073791.gPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgPersonality, Gender, Age in Social Media LanguageFigure 5. Standardized frequency of topics and words across age. A. Standardized frequency for the best topic for each of the 4 age groups. Grey vertical lines divide groups: 13 to 18 (black: n 25,467 out of N 74,859), 19 to 22 (green: n 21,687), 23 to 29 (blue: n 14,656), and 30+ (red: n 13,049). Lines are fit from first-order LOESS regression [81] controlled for gender. B. Standardized frequency of social topic use across age. C. Standardized `I’, `we’ frequencies across age. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073791.g(emotional stability). Additionally, Figure 6 shows the advantage of having phrases in the analysis to get clearer signal: e.g. people high in neuroticism mentioned `sick of’, and not just `sick’. While many of our results confirm previous research, demonstrating the instrument’s face validity, our word clouds also suggest new hypotheses. For example, Figure 6 (bottomright) shows language related to emotional stability (low neuroticism). Emotionally stable individuals wrote about enjoyable social activities that may foster greater emotional stability, such as `sports’, `vacation’, `beach’, `church’, `team’, and a family time topic. Additionally, results suggest that introverts are interested in Japanese media (e.g. `anime’, `manga’, `japanese’, Japanese style emoticons:^_^, and an anime topic) and that those low in openness drive the use of shorthands in social media (e.g. `2day’, `ur’, `every 1′). Although these are only language correlations, they show how open-vocabulary analyses can illuminate areas to explore further.Predictive EvaluationHere we present a quantitative evaluation of open-vocabulary and closed vocabulary language features. Although we have thus far presented subjective evidence that open-vocabulary features contribute more information, we hypothesize empirically that the inclusion of open-vocabulary features leads to prediction accuracies above and beyond that of closed-vocabulary. We randomly sampled 25 of our participants as test data, and used the remaining 75 as training data to build our predictive models. We use a linear support vector machine (SVM) [92] for classifying the binary variable of gender, and ridge regression [93] for predicting age and each factor of personality. Features were first run through principal component analysis to reduce the feature dimension to half of the number of users. Both SVM classification and ridge regression utilize a regularization parameter, which we set by validation over the training set (we defined aPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgsmall validation set of 10 of the training set which we tested various regularization parameters over while fitting the model to the other 90 of the training set in order to select the best parameter). Thus, the predictive model is created without any outcome information outside of the training data, making the test data an out-of-sample evaluation. As open-vocabulary features, we use the same units of language as DLA: words and phrases (n-grams of size 1 to 3, passing a collocation filter) and topics. These features are outlined precisely under the “Li.