Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

, 1973. 43. Gesell, A. Gesell Development Schedules; Psychological Corp.: New York, NY, USA, 1949. 44. McCarthy, D. McCarthy Scales of Childrens Abilities; Psychological Association: New York, NY, USA, 1972. 45. Griffiths, R. The Abilities of Young Children: A Comprehensive System of Mental Measurement for the First Eight Years of Life; Child Development Research Centre: London, UK, 1970. 46. Ramirez, I.; Fierro-Benitez, R.; Estrella, E.; Gomez, A.; Jaramillo, C.; Hermida, C.; Moncayo, F. The results of prophylaxis of endemic cretinism with iodized oil in rural Andean Ecuador. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 1972, 30, 223?37. 47. Riano Galan, I.; Sanchez Martinez, P.; Pilar Mosteiro Diaz, M.; Rivas Crespo, M.F. Psycho-intellectual development of 3 year-old children with early APTO-253 custom synthesis gestational iodine deficiency. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab. 2005, 18, 1265?272. 48. Murcia, M.; Rebagliato, M.; Iniguez, C.; Lopez-Espinosa, M.J.; Estarlich, M.; Plaza, B.; Barona-Vilar, C.; Espada, M.; Vioque, J.; Ballester, F. Effect of iodine supplementation during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment at 1 year of age. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2011, 173, 804?12. 49. Oken, E.; Braverman, L.E.; Platek, D.; Mitchell, M.L.; Lee, S.L.; Pearce, E.N. Neonatal thyroxine, maternal thyroid function, and child cognition. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2009, 94, 497?03. 50. Pretell, E.A.; Torres, T.; Zenteno, V.; Cornejo, M. Prophylaxis of endemic goiter with iodized oil in rural Peru. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 1972, 30, 249?65.Nutrients 2013,51. Pretell, E.A.; Caceres, A. Impairment of Mental Development by Iodine Deficiency and its Correction. A Retrospective View of Studies in Peru. In The Damaged Brain of Iodine Deficiency: Cognitive, Behavioral, Neuromotor and Educative Aspects; Stanbury, J.B., Ed.; Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York, NY, USA, 1994; pp. 187?91. 52. Thilly, C.H.; Roger, G.; Lagasse, R.; Tshibangu, D.; Vanderpas, J.B.; Berquist, H.; Nelson, G.; Enasidenib cancer Ermans, A.M.; Delange, F. Fetomaternal Relationship, Fetal Hypothyroidism, and Psychomotor Retardation. In Role of Cassava in the Etiology of Endemic Goitre and Cretinism; Ermans, A.M., Mbulamoko, N.M., Delange, F., Ahluwalia, R., Eds.; International Development Research Centre: Ottawa, Canada, 1980; pp. 111?82. 53. Thilly, C.H.; Lagasse, R.; Roger, G.; Bourdoux, P.; Ermans, A.M. Impaired Fetal and Postanal Development and High Perinatal Death in a Severe Iodine Deficient Area. In Thyroid Research VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Thyroid Congress, Sydney, Australia, 3? February, 1980; Stockigt, J.R., Nagataki, S., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, NY, USA, 1980; pp. 20?3. 54. Thilly, C.H. Psychomotor Development in Regions with Endemic Goiter. In Fetal Brain Disorders: Recent Approaches to the Problem of Mental Deficiency; Hetzel, B.S., Smith, R.M., Eds.; Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press: New York, NY, USA, 1981; pp. 265?82. 55. Thilly, C.H.; Swennen, B.; Moreno-Reyes, R.; Hindlet, J.Y.; Bourdoux, P.; Vanderpas, J.B. Maternal, Fetal, and Juvenile Hypothyroidism, Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in the Ethiopathogenesis of the Idd Spectra in Zaire And Malawi. In The Damaged Brain of Iodine Deficiency: Cognitive, Behavioral, Neuromotor and Educative Aspects; Stanbury, J.B., Ed.; Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York, NY, USA, 1994; pp. 241?50. 56. Berbel, P.; Mestre, J.L.; Santamaria, A.; Palazon, I.; Franco, A.; Graells, M.; Gonzalez-Torga, A.; de Escobar, G.M. Delayed neurobehavioral development in children., 1973. 43. Gesell, A. Gesell Development Schedules; Psychological Corp.: New York, NY, USA, 1949. 44. McCarthy, D. McCarthy Scales of Childrens Abilities; Psychological Association: New York, NY, USA, 1972. 45. Griffiths, R. The Abilities of Young Children: A Comprehensive System of Mental Measurement for the First Eight Years of Life; Child Development Research Centre: London, UK, 1970. 46. Ramirez, I.; Fierro-Benitez, R.; Estrella, E.; Gomez, A.; Jaramillo, C.; Hermida, C.; Moncayo, F. The results of prophylaxis of endemic cretinism with iodized oil in rural Andean Ecuador. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 1972, 30, 223?37. 47. Riano Galan, I.; Sanchez Martinez, P.; Pilar Mosteiro Diaz, M.; Rivas Crespo, M.F. Psycho-intellectual development of 3 year-old children with early gestational iodine deficiency. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab. 2005, 18, 1265?272. 48. Murcia, M.; Rebagliato, M.; Iniguez, C.; Lopez-Espinosa, M.J.; Estarlich, M.; Plaza, B.; Barona-Vilar, C.; Espada, M.; Vioque, J.; Ballester, F. Effect of iodine supplementation during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment at 1 year of age. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2011, 173, 804?12. 49. Oken, E.; Braverman, L.E.; Platek, D.; Mitchell, M.L.; Lee, S.L.; Pearce, E.N. Neonatal thyroxine, maternal thyroid function, and child cognition. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2009, 94, 497?03. 50. Pretell, E.A.; Torres, T.; Zenteno, V.; Cornejo, M. Prophylaxis of endemic goiter with iodized oil in rural Peru. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 1972, 30, 249?65.Nutrients 2013,51. Pretell, E.A.; Caceres, A. Impairment of Mental Development by Iodine Deficiency and its Correction. A Retrospective View of Studies in Peru. In The Damaged Brain of Iodine Deficiency: Cognitive, Behavioral, Neuromotor and Educative Aspects; Stanbury, J.B., Ed.; Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York, NY, USA, 1994; pp. 187?91. 52. Thilly, C.H.; Roger, G.; Lagasse, R.; Tshibangu, D.; Vanderpas, J.B.; Berquist, H.; Nelson, G.; Ermans, A.M.; Delange, F. Fetomaternal Relationship, Fetal Hypothyroidism, and Psychomotor Retardation. In Role of Cassava in the Etiology of Endemic Goitre and Cretinism; Ermans, A.M., Mbulamoko, N.M., Delange, F., Ahluwalia, R., Eds.; International Development Research Centre: Ottawa, Canada, 1980; pp. 111?82. 53. Thilly, C.H.; Lagasse, R.; Roger, G.; Bourdoux, P.; Ermans, A.M. Impaired Fetal and Postanal Development and High Perinatal Death in a Severe Iodine Deficient Area. In Thyroid Research VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Thyroid Congress, Sydney, Australia, 3? February, 1980; Stockigt, J.R., Nagataki, S., Eds.; Pergamon: Oxford, NY, USA, 1980; pp. 20?3. 54. Thilly, C.H. Psychomotor Development in Regions with Endemic Goiter. In Fetal Brain Disorders: Recent Approaches to the Problem of Mental Deficiency; Hetzel, B.S., Smith, R.M., Eds.; Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press: New York, NY, USA, 1981; pp. 265?82. 55. Thilly, C.H.; Swennen, B.; Moreno-Reyes, R.; Hindlet, J.Y.; Bourdoux, P.; Vanderpas, J.B. Maternal, Fetal, and Juvenile Hypothyroidism, Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in the Ethiopathogenesis of the Idd Spectra in Zaire And Malawi. In The Damaged Brain of Iodine Deficiency: Cognitive, Behavioral, Neuromotor and Educative Aspects; Stanbury, J.B., Ed.; Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York, NY, USA, 1994; pp. 241?50. 56. Berbel, P.; Mestre, J.L.; Santamaria, A.; Palazon, I.; Franco, A.; Graells, M.; Gonzalez-Torga, A.; de Escobar, G.M. Delayed neurobehavioral development in children.