Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

Ational and State Trends, 2010. Washington, D.C.: PEW Hispanic Center; 2011. Preston, Julia. Senators Offer a Bipartisan Blueprint for Immigration. New York Times; 2013 Jan 23. Quesada, James. No Soy Welferero: Undocumented Latino Laborers in the Crosshairs of Legitimation Maneuvers. Medical Anthropology. 2011a; 30(4):386?08. [PubMed: 21777124] Quesada, James. Structural Vulnerability: Situating Latino Immigrants in 21st Century United States. November 3, 2011. Invited Tinker Foundation Lecture: Keynote Address to the University of Arizona, Tucson, Center for Latin American Studies. 2011b Quesada, James. The Vicissitudes of Structural Violence: Nicaragua at the Turn of the 21st Century. In: Rylko-Bauer, Barbara; Whiteford, Linda; Framer, Paul, editors. Global Health in a Time of Violence. Santa Fe, NM: School of Advanced Research; 2009. p. 157-170.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptCity Soc (Wash). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 April 01.Quesada et al.PageQuesada, James. From Central American Warriors to San Francisco Latino Day Laborers: Suffering and Exhaustion in a Transnational Context. Transforming Anthropology. 1999; 8(1?):162?85. Quesada, James; Hart, Laurie; Bourgois, Philippe. Structural Vulnerability and Health: Latino Migrant Laborers in the United States. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):339?62. [PubMed: 21777121] Reichman, Daniel. Migration and Para-ethnography in Honduras. American Ethnologist. 2011; 38(3): 548?58. Ruiz-Beltran, Martin; Kaman, Jimmy. The Socio-Economic and Cultural Impediments to Well-Being Along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Journal of Community Health. 2001; 26(2):123?32. [PubMed: 11322752] Sassen, Saskia. The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 1999. Sullivan, Margaret; Rehm, Roberta. Mental Health of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Nursing Science. 2005; 28(3):240?51. [PubMed: 16106153] Sumber, Edward, et al. Illegal Immigrants, Rentals and Fair Housing Discrimination. 2009 http:// Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 1993. Valenzuela, Abel, et al. On The Corner: Day Labor in the United States. UCLA Center for the Study of Urban Poverty. 2006 Van Derbeken, Jaxon. Father of 4, Son Innocent Victims to Road Rage. San Francisco purchase SKF-96365 (hydrochloride) Chronicle; 2008 Jun 24. Viladrich, Anahi. Beyond Welfare Reform: Reframing Undocumented Immigrants’ Entitlement to Health Care in the United States: A Critical Review. Social Science and Medicine. 2012; 74(2012):822?29. [PubMed: 21745706] Vilas, Carlos. Between Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Market, State, and Revolution in Central America. New York, NY: Monthly Review Press; 1995. Ward, Thomas. Gangsters Without Borders: An Ethnography of a Salvadoran Street Gang. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2012. Willen, Sarah. New get Deslorelin Special Issue of Social Science and Medicine ?Migration, `illegality,’ and health: Mapping embodied vulnerability and debating health-related deservingness. 2012 http:// Willen, Sarah. Do Illegal Im/migrants have a Right to Health? Engaging Ethical Theory as Soci.Ational and State Trends, 2010. Washington, D.C.: PEW Hispanic Center; 2011. Preston, Julia. Senators Offer a Bipartisan Blueprint for Immigration. New York Times; 2013 Jan 23. Quesada, James. No Soy Welferero: Undocumented Latino Laborers in the Crosshairs of Legitimation Maneuvers. Medical Anthropology. 2011a; 30(4):386?08. [PubMed: 21777124] Quesada, James. Structural Vulnerability: Situating Latino Immigrants in 21st Century United States. November 3, 2011. Invited Tinker Foundation Lecture: Keynote Address to the University of Arizona, Tucson, Center for Latin American Studies. 2011b Quesada, James. The Vicissitudes of Structural Violence: Nicaragua at the Turn of the 21st Century. In: Rylko-Bauer, Barbara; Whiteford, Linda; Framer, Paul, editors. Global Health in a Time of Violence. Santa Fe, NM: School of Advanced Research; 2009. p. 157-170.NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptCity Soc (Wash). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 April 01.Quesada et al.PageQuesada, James. From Central American Warriors to San Francisco Latino Day Laborers: Suffering and Exhaustion in a Transnational Context. Transforming Anthropology. 1999; 8(1?):162?85. Quesada, James; Hart, Laurie; Bourgois, Philippe. Structural Vulnerability and Health: Latino Migrant Laborers in the United States. Medical Anthropology. 2011; 30(4):339?62. [PubMed: 21777121] Reichman, Daniel. Migration and Para-ethnography in Honduras. American Ethnologist. 2011; 38(3): 548?58. Ruiz-Beltran, Martin; Kaman, Jimmy. The Socio-Economic and Cultural Impediments to Well-Being Along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Journal of Community Health. 2001; 26(2):123?32. [PubMed: 11322752] Sassen, Saskia. The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 1999. Sullivan, Margaret; Rehm, Roberta. Mental Health of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Nursing Science. 2005; 28(3):240?51. [PubMed: 16106153] Sumber, Edward, et al. Illegal Immigrants, Rentals and Fair Housing Discrimination. 2009 http:// Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 1993. Valenzuela, Abel, et al. On The Corner: Day Labor in the United States. UCLA Center for the Study of Urban Poverty. 2006 Van Derbeken, Jaxon. Father of 4, Son Innocent Victims to Road Rage. San Francisco Chronicle; 2008 Jun 24. Viladrich, Anahi. Beyond Welfare Reform: Reframing Undocumented Immigrants’ Entitlement to Health Care in the United States: A Critical Review. Social Science and Medicine. 2012; 74(2012):822?29. [PubMed: 21745706] Vilas, Carlos. Between Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Market, State, and Revolution in Central America. New York, NY: Monthly Review Press; 1995. Ward, Thomas. Gangsters Without Borders: An Ethnography of a Salvadoran Street Gang. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2012. Willen, Sarah. New Special Issue of Social Science and Medicine ?Migration, `illegality,’ and health: Mapping embodied vulnerability and debating health-related deservingness. 2012 http:// Willen, Sarah. Do Illegal Im/migrants have a Right to Health? Engaging Ethical Theory as Soci.