Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

0D pointtype like functions. Please note that there is a priori
0D pointtype like characteristics. Please note that there’s a priori no relation for the 0D vortices and D edges entering into the numerical discretization, e.g. in Dream3D (see also Figure 3). Triple lines take place in case of 3 features coexisting in 3D space and QuadruplePoints appear at the coexistence of four characteristics (see also Figure six). TripleLines and QuadruplePoints are characteristic characteristics of most microstructures and exhibit, for example, special conditions for nucleation of new phases, making their individual description precious. three.four.. TripleLineSegmentID Defines an identifier for every TripleLineSegmentTo be defined To become defined To become defined To become defined3.3. Interfaces and surfaces the 2D ensembles The next larger level within the hierarchical description of 2D structures are ensembles enabling descriptions of surfaces and interfaces becoming independent from the individual 3D options they are separating. Examples are all interfaces between two 3D ensemblesphases or the total surface of a person feature. 3.3.. Interface(PhaseID,PhaseID2) Describes the total interface between two distinctive phases within the RVE. Can be defined through the Faces or by means of the FaceFeatureLabels as: All Faces or FaceFeatureLabels for all pairs of FeatureIDs where FeatureID belongs to PhaseID and FeatureID2 belongs to PhaseID2 (and FeatureID belongs to PhaseID2 and FeatureID2 belongs to PhaseID). three.3.two. Surface (FeatureID) Specifies the total surface of a Function, which generally will be composed of different FaceFeatures obtaining their individual FaceFeatureLabels (Figure 5). NegativeFigure six. facefeaturelabels for the different characteristics of PubMed ID: the instance. function four (liquid Phase) will not be shown. note the negative featureids representing characteristics outdoors the rve boundaries.Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 7 (206)G. J. SCHMITz et al.three.four.two. TripleLineSegmentLabel(FeatureID, FeatureID2,FeatureID3) Denotes a brief normally linear and straight segment of a complex triple line separating the 3 options. three.four.3. Centroid Denotes the position in the Centroid in the TripleLineSegment. 3.4.4. Length Delivers the length of the TripleLineSegment. three.four.five. Orientation(OrientationTypeID) or Orientation(OrientationTypeName) Defines the Orientation from the MedChemExpress GSK2838232 TripleLineSegment orientation vector with respect towards the RVE ReferenceFrame. The sign in the orientation vector must be specified if necessary. 3.four.six. Curvature Optionally describes the curvature from the TripleLineSegment. Requirements additional elaboration if needed. 3.four.7. TripleLineLength(FeatureID,FeatureID2, FeatureID3) Defines the total length with the triple line as a sum of the lengths of all its TripleLineSegments. 3.5. Quadruple junctions three.5.. QuadruplePointID Defines an identifier for every single QuadruplePoint. three.5.2. Centroid Denotes the position in the QuadruplePoint 3.6. RVE boundaries and interface statistics The 2D equivalents on the descriptors describing the 3D RVE are descriptors describing surfaces and interfaces related to the whole RVE. Examples are the RVE boundaries and statistics on interfaces, triple lines and quadruple points. three.six.. Surface Describes the complete surface in the RVE to which boundary situations is often applied. RVE boundaries correspond to all Faces(FeatureId,FeatureID2) respectively FaceFeatureLabels (FeatureId, FeatureID2) exactly where no less than among the FeatureIDs features a adverse worth. Note that FeatureIDs of options located outside the RVE are adverse. three.6.two. SurfaceArea Defines the total surface location of the RVE.