Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Elative to other cancers. AmongMolecular Cellular Proteomics 9.Evaluation of Cancer Cell
Elative to other cancers. AmongMolecular Cellular Proteomics 9.Analysis of Cancer Cell Secretomes for Biomarker DiscoveryTABLE V Expression profiles of cancer typespecific secretedreleased proteins in HPA Cancer sort Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Colorectal carcinoma Hepatocellular carcinoma Oral cancer Bladder cancer Breast cancer Cervix cancer Lung adenocarcinoma Pancreatic ductal carcinoma Epidermoid carcinoma T cell lymphoma All cancer typesaNo. of exclusive proteins 28 09 96 76 47 53 85 09 46 two 4 ,No. of exclusive proteins offered in HPAa 9 50 88 34 72 60 33 53 two 9 74No. of one of a kind proteins detected in more than half of tumor tissuesb six 40 70 28 55 47 23 36 8 9 37Proteins that had been solely detected within the secretome of a specific cancer form have been immunohistochemically examined in the corresponding cancer tissue sections with the HPA. b Proteins that have been solely detected in the secretome of a specific cancer variety were immunohistochemically detected in greater than half on the tumor tissue sections examined in the HPA. TABLE VI Partial list of expression profiles of cancer typespecific marker candidates in HPA Accession no. Protein name HPA Aba IHC stainingb 3 2 Constructive rateColon cancer IPI00293853.3 IPI0005476. IPI00224.three IPI00292640.3 Liver cancer IPI002633.five IPI00295363.2 IPI00029260.two IPI00055.five IPI0002748. IPI000287. Bladder cancer IPI00024035. IPI00020944. IPI00028635.four IPI00305286. Breast cancer IPI0002989.3 IPI00022283. Lung cancer IPI0026304.aCell surface A33 antigen Neutral amino acid transporter A Isoform CSBP of mitogenactivated protein kinase four Bone morphogenetic protein 4 Bile salt PubMed ID: sulfotransferase Ornithine carbamoyltransferase Monocyte differentiation antigen CD4 Isoform of asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 Multidrug HIF-2α-IN-1 site resistance protein Vitamin Kdependent protein C Isoform of cadherin6 Squalene synthetase Ribophorin II 5Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 3 Trefoil aspect Stromal cellderived factorHPA08858 CAB002757 CAB00285 CAB006863 CAB08755 HPA000243 HPA00227 HPA05998 CAB0076 HPA005550 HPA007456 HPA008874 HPA008297 HPA00499 CAB005393 HPA003425 CAB5 6 0 3 eight 8 0 6 0 0 4 8 three five 5 5 0 5 0 6 five five 5 0 3 six 0 6 three 2 0 five three 2 6 two 0 three 00 0 4 two 0 5 0 three 0 0 0 0 00.0 00.0 9.7 63.6 90.9 eight.eight 00.0 58.3 00.0 70.0 00.0 9.7 00.0 00.0 00.0 9.7 70.Identification number of antibodies inside the HPA. b Immunohistochemical staining scores in the HPA: 3 , sturdy staining; 2 , moderate staining;, weak staining;, unfavorable staining.the 70 proteins positively stained in most HCC tissues (Table V), bile salt sulfotransferase, ornithine carbamoyltransferase, monocyte differentiation antigen CD4, and isoform of asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 were significantly less immunoreactive in tissues of other cancer forms, whereas multidrug resistance protein and vitamin Kdependent protein C had been overexpressed in HCC versus other cancers. Compared with other cancers, bladder cancer tissues reacted far more strongly with proteins for instance cadherin6, squalene synthetase, ribophorin II, and 5hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase. The levels of neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 3 and trefoil element were larger in breast cancer tissues versus tissues of other cancers. Compared with nontumor lung tissues, stromal cellderived factor (CXCL2) reacted much more strongly with lung cancer tissues. Evaluation of Potential Pancancer BiomarkersThe identification of proteins that have a higher frequency of detection in the conditioned media of various cell lines clearly.