Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

Kla et al) enhancement of peripheral vision (Marin et al), modulation of temporal processing (Knipling,), feedingpecking (Shortess and Klose, Weidner et al Rep ant et al Hahmann and G t k ,), and detection of aerial predators (Wilson and Lindstrom,).Guti rezIb ez et al. examined interspecific variation within the relative size of ION in an try to address its function.As an example, if the ION is an essential component of pecking behavior, then we predicted that species that feed on the ground, for instance granivorous finches and galliforms, would have an enlarged ION.Alternatively, in the event the ION is important for the detection of aerial predators, then prey species must have bigger IONvolumes than predatory species.Across species, there was considerable variation within the relative size of your ION (Figure A).In some birds, including basal, paleognathous species, the ION was not apparent in Nissl stained sections When expressed as a percentage of total brain volume, the ION was quite compact in owls and diurnal raptors, but Sutezolid Anti-infection really significant in coots, some shorebirds, songbirds, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, pigeons, and galliforms (Figure B).The ION varied not merely in size but also the complexity of its visible morphology.The complexity was assigned to one of 5 categories representing and growing degree of complexity.For example in category , the ION is definitely an evenly distributed mass of cells with somewhat indistinct borders (Figure C).In category , the ION is characterized by a sharper border with a distinct layer of cells that encapsulates the rest in the nucleus (Figure D).In category , all cells appear to be organized into distinct layers using a clearly recognizable neuropil among the layers (Figure E).Generally speaking, the complexity on the ION was correlated with size, such that birds using a relatively substantial ION also had a more complicated ION.This emphasizes that a strict interpretationFIGURE Variation inside the volume and complexity in the isthmo optic nucleus (ION).(A) Shows a scatterplot of ION volume plotted as a function of brain minus ION volume (log transformed).n indicates to the number of species measured in every single order.An, Anseriformes (red full circles); Ap, Apodiformes (empty orange circle); Ca, Caprimulgiforms; Ch, Charadriiforms (empty light blue circle); Ci, Ciconiiformes; Co, Columbiforms (dark green full circles); Cr, Coraciiforms; F, Falconiforms; G, Galliformes (dark blue complete circle); Gr, Gruiformes; Pa, Passerifomes (empty brown circles); Pi, Piciforms; Ps, Psittaciformes (full yellow circle); St, Strigiforms (complete black circle).(B) Shows a bar graph with the relative size of ION expressed as a percentage of total brainvolume for the diverse groups of birds.The error bars indicate typical error.The PubMed ID: asterisk indicates the groups in which a decrease field myopia has been described (Martin, , Hodos and Erichsen, Schaeffel et al).The black diamond indicates species where a lack of reduced field myopia has been described (Murphy et al).(C) Show variation within the complexity with the ION.The ION complexity representative of categories , , and (most complicated) are, respectively, shown in (C) (Northern HawkOwl, S.Ulula), (D) (Spotted Pardalote, P.punctatus), and (E) (Excellent Lyrebird, M.novaehollandiae).Scale bars, in (C,D), in (E) (Adapted from Guti rezIb ez et al).Frontiers in Neuroscience www.frontiersin.orgAugust Volume ArticleWylie et al.Evolution of sensory systems in birdsof the Principle of Appropriate Mass (i.e taking into consideration only siz.