Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Es within the precompression band induce tiny flection levels. It is That stated, they the precompression band induce modest ment behavior It can be thought that overpredict the real actuator Landiolol Technical Information overall performance at high dedeviations. In anyis case, closing the loop betweenthe precompression band induce little deviations. In It case, closing the loop in between deflection commanded and deflection flection levels. any believed that nonlinearities in deflection commanded and deflection generated isis quick by using a basic PIV loop with strain gagecommanded and deflection generated In any applying a very simple PIV loop with strain gage sensors measuring bending deviations. simple bycase, closing the loop in between deflection sensors measuring bending and consequently easy by utilizing a very simple PIV loop with strain gage sensors measuring bending and thus rotational deflections. generated is rotational deflections. and as a result rotational deflections.Actuators 2021, 10,generated predictable, regular deflections, matching theory and experiment practically precisely. From Figure 14, it is clear that the models capture the undeflected root pitching moment behavior well. That stated, they overpredict the genuine actuator performance at high deflection levels. It can be believed that nonlinearities in the precompression band induce tiny 12 deviations. In any case, closing the loop amongst deflection commanded and deflectionof 15 generated is easy by utilizing a easy PIV loop with strain gage sensors measuring bending and thus rotational deflections.Actuators 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW12 ofFigure 14. Quasi-Static Moment-Deflection Final results. Figure 14. Quasi-Static Moment-Deflection Results.Dynamic testing was conducted using a sinusoidal excitation for the open-loop reDynamic Figure was effortless to see a resonance peak excitation Hz having a corner response. From testing 15, itconducted utilizing a sinusoidal about 22 for the open-loop fresponse. of around it effortless A Limit Dynamic Driver (LDD) was created to push quency From Figure 15, 28 Hz. to see a resonance peak around 22 Hz having a corner frequency of around 28higher Limit Dynamic Driver (LDD) was created to push the dynamic response to far Hz. A levels. This Limit Driver was designed to overdrive the dynamic response to far higher levels. Thisto the edge breakdown fieldto overdrive the the PZT components in their poled directions up Limit Driver was created strengths, although PZT elements in their poled directions as much as the edge breakdownReverse field strengths observing tensile limits (governed by temperature constraints). field strengths, though observing tensile limits (governed by temperature constraints). Reverse to remove the going against the Tiaprofenic acid Biological Activity poling direction were limited to just 200 V/mm so as field strengths going against the poling directionpowerlimited to just 200 V/mm was under 320 mW at 126 danger of depoling. The total peak were consumption measured so as to get rid of the danger of depoling. The total peak energy through the 150 Hz corner. The voltage riseat 126limit Hz (the pseudo resonance peak) consumption measured was under 320 mW rate Hz (the pseudo resonance peak) via the 150 Hz corner. werevoltage to breakdown throughout during testing was restricted to 8.six MV/s, because the actuators The driven rise rate limit voltage testing was limited to eight.6 MV/s, as the actuators had been driven to breakdown voltage limits. limits. Mainly because edge, atmospheric, and through-thickness breakdown field strengths are Becausenonlinear, experimenta.