Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Ibration on the interlayer water. Absorption bands at beneath 800 cm-1 area would be the lattice vibration bands of JThe Scientific Planet Journal(h)Intensity (cps)Transmittance ( ) 20 25ds = 38.22 A (a) ds = 32.97 A(g) (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a)(b)ds = 8.66 A(c)two (deg)Mg-Al LDH Stearate Mg-Al LDH Sodium stearate2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber (cm-1 )Figure 2: XRD patterns of (a) pristine Mg-Al LDH, (b) stearate MgAl LDH, and (c) sodium stearate.Figure 3: FTIR spectra of (a) pure PHB, (b) pure PCL, and (c) 80PHB/20PCL blend and PHB/PCL/stearate Mg-Al LDH nanocomposite with (d) 0.25, (e) 0.5, (f) 1, (g) 1.five, and (h) 2 wt stearate Mg-Al LDH content.and O (J = Mg or Al). An intense band which can be shown in Mg l LDH at 1348.42 cm-1 is an asymmetric stretching vibration of nitrate anions [37]. Spectra 1(b) and 1(c) proved that the C stretching vibration on account of the presence with the H3 and H2 xgroups of extended chain stearate anions [38] is observed at 2800000 cm-1 which has no peak in the spectrum 1(a). Meanwhile, two robust absorption peaks that situated at 1566.73 cm-1 and 1455.02 cm-1 are assigned to carboxylate asymmetric and symmetric stretching [39]. As a conclusion, the stearate anions had been successfully replacing the nitrate anions which had been intercalated among the layers. Figure 2 shows the XRD patterns of Mg-Al LDH, stearate Mg-Al LDH, and sodium stearate inside the determination selection of 2 from two to 30 . Both Mg-Al LDH and stearate Mg-Al LDH are crystalline solids with well-defined layered structure. In the determination of basal spacing by Bragg’s equation, = 2 sin , where is equal to 1 for 003 peak, will be the wavelength of Cu-K radiation, and is the half from the scattering angle. The sodium stearate diffractogram shows a sharp peak at 2 of 2.22 corresponding for the -spacing of 39.80 A which proved that the organic modifier improved clay interlayer distance. The chemical modification process indicates enhancement of -spacing from eight.66 A in Mg-Al LDH (corresponding 2 worth is ten.22 ) to 32.97 A in stearate Mg-Al LDH (corresponding 2 value is two.68 ). This increment implies that the stearate anions are successfully intercalated into the Mg-Al LDH interlayer and replace the nitrate anion by way of the anion exchange system [40]. In other words, long tail of hydrophobic chain of stearate anions will enhance the -spacing by radiating away the hydrophobic side of stearate anion from surface and hydrophilic side resides inside the interlayer of LDH [34]. 3.2. Characterization of PHB/PCL/Stearate Mg-Al LDH Nanocomposites. Stearate Mg-Al LDH was produced by the anion exchange reaction between NO3 – anion inside the interlayer of Mg-Al LDH and stearate anion H3 C(CH2 )16 COO- from organic modifier sodium stearate. The replacement ofanion position NO3 – with H3 C(CH2 )16 COO- anion enlarges the interlayer -spacing and reduces hydrophilic surface of Mg-Al LDH.Formononetin supplier Clay with hydrophobic surface results in quick intercalation of polymer chain inside the clay layer as a consequence of the fact that the identical polar will enhance the dispersion.MPEP medchemexpress The stearate Mg-Al LDH created was the resolution casting with PHB/PCL blend together with the weight ratio of 80 : 20 to formed PHB/PCL/stearate Mg-Al LDH nanocomposites.PMID:24268253 The earlier investigation shows that 80PHB/20PCL blend had the higher tensile strength and elongation at break, so this weight ratio was chosen as our optimum blend. Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectra of pure PHB, pure PCL, 80PHB/20PCL blend, and PHB/PCL/stearate Mg-Al LDH nanocomposites with differen.